KAP Therapy: Ways to Heal With Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Are you seeking a transformative approach to mental health care? Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) might be the answer. This innovative treatment combines the powerful effects of ketamine with psychotherapy to help patients reach their fullest potential. If you're ready to explore new horizons in mental health treatment, read on to discover how KAP therapy treatment can lead you to a brighter future.

What Is KAP Treatment?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) treatment integrates ketamine with psychotherapy sessions.  Initially synthesized and used for anesthesia in the 1960s, more recently ketamine has shown remarkable potential in treating many mental health conditions. Unlike traditional psychotherapy and medication treatments, KAP offers a unique blend of pharmacological and psychological benefits, leading to profound and lasting beneficial changes.

How Does KAP Work?

During a KAP session, patients receive a prescribed dose of ketamine. This can be administered via different routes: via lozenges or rapidly disintegrating tables (RDTs) that dissolve under the tongue, via intramuscular (IM) injection, or via intravenous (i.v.) administration. Esketamine, or Spravato®, is a nasal spray version of the medicine that is prescribed specifically for treatment-resistant depression and/or suicidal ideations.  Biochemically, ketamine binds as an antagonist to NMDA receptors in the brain.  This binding to the NMDA receptor leads to an increase in the release of a neurotransmitter called glutamate and also stimulates the action of another neurotransmitter, called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). 

Both glutamate and BDNF are implicated in neural cell growth, also called neuroplasticity.  Under the influence of ketamine, new neural connections are being made, and the brain is actually in an active state of growth and development.  This state, when combined with the guidance of a trained KAP therapist, allows for new ideas and new ways of being and thinking to take root, which can then have lasting beneficial effects on individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.  It also allows for old, rigid, and entrenched ways of being and thinking to be reevaluated and often then let go of in order to make room for new coping skills and strategies.

The Benefits of KAP Therapy

KAP therapy is a groundbreaking treatment offering rapid relief for various mental health conditions. This innovative approach combines ketamine's pharmacological effects with psychotherapy, leading to profound and lasting changes. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy has demonstrated significant effectiveness in treating depressive disorders such as major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar depression and anxiety disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  It also has been demonstrated to have beneficial effects for various Eating Disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Compulsive Eating Disorders and the management of Autistic Burn Out.  Traditional medications that have been used for psychiatric disorders, such as SSRIs, SNRIs, or mood stabilizers, often take weeks to show effects and may come with unpleasant side effects. In contrast, KAP provides rapid relief, often within hours, and it does not require patients to take medication daily.  Ketamine treatment, when combined with consistent integration work with a trained therapist, can have beneficial effects that can last for weeks, months, or much longer.

Overcomes PTSD and Anxiety

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety-related conditions can be challenging to treat.  This is in part because we often avoid places or experiences that may have associations with traumatic memories.  Avoidance only keeps us distracted from the challenges and emotional wounds we need to face and thus doesn't allow us to heal from them. KAP treatment helps patients access and process traumatic memories in a safe environment. It is possible that the dissociative effects of ketamine help individuals gain perspective on the intense emotions associated with traumatic memories.  While ketamine doesn't numb individuals from intense emotions, it lessens the aversive triggers we have to feel big emotions.  This new perspective helps us live and feel deeply, without being afraid of the emotions, and with a greater understanding that expressing our emotions is part of our healing process.  

Addresses Autistic Burnout

Autistic burnout, characterized by overwhelming fatigue, stress, and a loss of coping skills and engagement, can be debilitating. KAP treatment offers a promising approach to managing these symptoms. By facilitating a deeper understanding of oneself and reducing the intensity of negative thoughts, KAP helps individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) navigate and recover from burnout symptoms.

The KAP Healing Process

The KAP healing process is a structured approach designed to maximize the therapeutic benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. It begins with an initial consultation and preparation phase, followed by a series of KAP sessions, and concludes with integration sessions that follow each of the KAP sessions to ensure lasting change. Let's explore each step in detail to understand how they contribute to the overall healing process.

Initial Consultation and Preparation

The KAP healing process begins with an initial consultation. During this session, the therapist and a trained medical professional such as a psychiatrist or nurse practitioner evaluates the patient's mental health history, treatment goals, and suitability for ketamine therapy. This is followed by one or two preparation sessions, where patients learn about the process and set their intentions for the treatment.

KAP Sessions

KAP treatment typically consists of an initial six treatments over four to six weeks. Each session lasts three hours, during which the patient receives ketamine and engages with their KAP therapist. The environment is designed to be calming and supportive, with music and eye masks often used to enhance relaxation.


After each KAP session, patients participate in integration sessions. These are crucial for processing the experiences and insights gained during the ketamine sessions. Integration helps patients apply their newfound understandings and insights to their daily lives, promoting lasting change and healing.

Exploring Different KAP Treatment Options

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy can be tailored to meet each person's specific needs. Various options are available, including individual therapy, group therapy, and couples therapy, each offering unique benefits. Understanding these different approaches can help you choose the most effective path to healing.

Individual Therapy

Individual KAP treatment involves one-on-one sessions with a therapist. This personalized approach allows for a deep exploration of the patient's unique experiences and challenges. It is particularly effective for addressing complex trauma and deeply rooted psychological issues.

Group Therapy

Group KAP treatment provides a supportive environment where patients can share their experiences and insights with others. This collective approach fosters a sense of community and can be especially beneficial for individuals dealing with social anxiety or feeling isolated.

Couples Therapy

KAP couples therapy involves sessions with couples to address relational dynamics and collective healing. This approach can help improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build stronger intimacy.

Unlock Your Potential with KAP Treatment

KAP therapy offers a transformative path to healing, combining the power of ketamine with the guidance of psychotherapy.

Quantum Integral Healing Arts, our center in San Francisco, integrates cutting-edge psychiatric and psychological research with holistic healing practices. Our expert team, including psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and therapists, offers personalized care tailored to your needs. We blend the latest scientific approaches with traditional wisdom to provide a comprehensive healing experience.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of KAP therapy? Schedule your consultation with Quantum Integral Healing Arts and embark on your journey to healing today.


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KAP Therapy | How Long Does Ketamine Treatment Last?