Ketamine Assisted Therapy for Transformative Healing

Experience Transformational Healing and Lasting Change With Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Healing

Ketamine Assisted Therapy offers a groundbreaking solution for those suffering from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and other debilitating conditions. Unlike traditional treatments, ketamine treatments can bring about rapid and significant improvements. At Quantum Integral Healing Arts, our KAP program combines a series of ketamine treatments with psychotherapy sessions. Our treatments foster lasting change and deep healing.

What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative treatment. It combines ketamine, a medication traditionally used as an anesthetic, with psychotherapy. Ketamine is administered at lower doses to induce expanded states of consciousness. It allows patients to access and process challenging psychological content.

This approach is particularly effective for conditions resistant to traditional treatments. This includes depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. By stimulating neuroplastic growth and fostering new neural connections, KAP supports lasting changes in mood and behavior. The therapy sessions are designed to maximize the benefits of ketamine, promoting holistic healing and mental well-being.

The Benefits of KAP

Ketamine Assisted Therapy provides numerous benefits, making it a transformative option for many patients. Here's how it can help:

Rapid Relief from Symptoms

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy provides swift relief from severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Many traditional antidepressants can take weeks or months to become effective. Ketamine treatments often show results within hours or days.

Enhanced Neuroplasticity

Ketamine stimulates the growth of dendritic spines. It also promotes new neural connections, fostering greater neuroplasticity. This enhanced brain connectivity encourages adaptive thinking patterns and healthier emotional responses.

Expanded States of Consciousness

During ketamine treatments, patients experience expanded states of consciousness. This allows them to process psychological content that was previously inaccessible. This unique aspect of KAP leads to deep insights and long-lasting changes in mental health.

Improved Quality of Life

Ketamine-assisted therapy alleviates severe mental health symptoms and promotes new ways of thinking. It helps individuals engage with their lives, improving quality of life and fostering healthier relationships.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) offers profound relief from chronic and debilitating mental health conditions previously thought to be resistant to treatment.

KAP is offered as a series of ketamine treatments alongside psychotherapy sessions to support more lasting changes in mood, anxiety, and/or substance use problems, depending on the intentions set at the beginning of treatment.

Ketamine is a Schedule III medication that has been used safely as an anesthetic and analgesic agent since the 1960s. Over the past decade, mental health clinicians have been using ketamine at much lower doses than used in for anesthesia to induce expanded states of consciousness. In these expanded states, one can process psychological content previously thought too challenging to access. Ketamine induces healing processes within the brain by stimulating neuroplastic growth of dendritic spines and thus fostering new neural connections within the brain.

Conditions we treat with ketamine-assisted psychotherapy:

  • Treatment-Resistant Depression

  • Treatment-Resistant Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • OCD

  • Postpartum Mental Health Disorders

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  • Substance Use Disorders

  • Chronic pain conditions

  • Chronic fatigue conditions

  • Burnout

Under the influence of ketamine, one can observe the flow of mental thoughts and emotions without resistance to difficult content.

Clients experience a relaxation from ordinary concerns and one’s usual mind state, while still maintaining conscious awareness. The treatment supports healthier relationships to previously unwanted thoughts and feelings and in turn, allows individuals to engage more fully with their lives.

The current most probable understanding of ketamine’s biological mode of action is as an NMDA antagonist working through the glutamate neurotransmitter system, but it also works as a psychedelic medicine, inducing non-ordinary states of consciousness. Insight and long-lasting change is born from these experiences. Thus, all of these aspects of treatment contribute to the transformational healing potential of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.

Ketamine can be administered via intravenous, intramuscular (IM), sublingual, and/or intranasal routes. At Quantum Integral Healing Arts, we are using Ketamine in the form of sublingual lozenges or via intramuscular (IM) injections in combination with psychotherapy.

How Our Ketamine Therapy Works

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Schedule a consultation with our team to discuss your mental health concerns. We'll determine if ketamine-assisted therapy is right for you.

Step 2: Diagnostic Assessment

Undergo a comprehensive assessment to tailor a personalized treatment plan.

Step 3: Treatment Sessions

Receive ketamine treatments in a safe and supportive environment. We combine it with psychotherapy sessions to facilitate deep healing.

Step 4: Integration and Support

Participate in follow-up sessions to integrate your experiences and receive ongoing support.

Hear from Our Clients

Our clients' experiences highlight the transformative power of Ketamine Assisted Therapy:


Our Guarantee

At Quantum Integral Healing Arts, we are committed to your well-being. We guarantee a safe, supportive, and compassionate environment for your healing journey. Our dedicated team is here to help you achieve profound and lasting change.

Start the Healing Process

Are you ready to explore the transformational healing potential of Ketamine Assisted Therapy? Contact Quantum Integral Healing Arts today. Schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier future.

HOPE: In the depths of despair, we offer hope to individuals, families, and communities.


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