Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Group Sign Up

An Online Meditation Group for People Who Think Too Much

MBCT Group will be starting again in April!

Starting in April 11th, 2023, we will be meeting every Tuesday at 5:15 - 7:45 pm for 8 weeks, online. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us below.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) group is a mindfulness skills-building and meditation group, structured to reflect the teachings of Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) group, infused with discussions and teaching of cognitive skills for people who have struggled with depression and anxiety. 

Together we re-evaluate our tendency to avoid painful thoughts and feelings as a means to protect ourselves from depression and anxiety while also experiencing the potential benefits of sitting with loving and nonjudgmental awareness and focused attention to the present moment.  Your whole-being wellness is at the cornerstone of this group. 

Group participation does require a significant time commitment; a 2 1/2-hour weekly group meeting for 8 weeks, in addition to approximately a 45-minute daily commitment to meditation and homework assignments.

All individuals interested in the group must first contact me for a phone screening, to confirm MBCT is an appropriate treatment for them at this time.  All group participants must be already established in care with either myself or another psychiatrist and/or therapist.  If you are uncertain about these requirements, contact us through this website and we can discuss them by phone.

If you’re interested in joining our Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) group, please fill out this contact form, and we’ll be in touch soon


"I thoroughly believe that my entire life has been changed due to my participation in this 8-week course. I feel empowered. I feel as if I may finally be able to get off anti-depressants. I have the tools now to work with my headaches rather than against them. I cannot thank you enough for letting me participate in this group!"

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I found it very helpful to have, for the first time in my life, a community of fellow class members who had similar symptoms and understood mine. I wish I had been in a better place emotionally to reap the full rewards, but this may be an ongoing journey that I hope continues to offer insight and bring me to the present moment, pain and all."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I was unprepared for how much time I would need to invest, so I did not get out of it what I could have. That said, I valued the time to have a few hours of meditation built into my week. It helped kick me out of a deep depression, which I'll describe later."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"Well run, helpful."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I was initially worried Zoom would not allow an environment to foster connection but it still felt very connected and meaningful."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I thought I’d learn how to meditate and how to practice mindfulness. I did not expect that I would find either of these practices to be as life changing as they actually were."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

What Did You Learn by Attending the Group?

"To use my breath as an anchor. That statement holds so much more meaning than it seems. To “watch” my thoughts as they appear and then dissolve away. Yoga!!! I learned that many of my daily activities are not rewarding and it was not until I wrote down my schedule during class that it really became apparent. I am working on spending more time doing beneficial activities."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I really appreciated learning about the science behind how meditation and mindfulness can affect gray matter and overall depressive symptoms and episodes. I was also able to discuss symptoms and learn about others’ experiences in a safe space. I just wished I hadn’t fallen into a depression during the last week or so, because I think that showed me how much more I still need to learn. On the other hand, having the group there for me gave great comfort and encouraged me to just hold on."

- MBCT Past Group Participant


"To calm down. Let go of things that are out of my control, and to really take into consideration my 1st world problems, comparable to people that have real life problems."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"The importance of focusing on the present and not judging."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"To stop and notice my experience at the moment without judgment and with the realization that it does not control me."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I was not a big fan of meditation and didn't truly believe that it "worked" for me, specifically. I was wrong."

- MBCT Past Group Participant


"That if I want results from something, I have to really, really try it. Consistency is more important than quality."

- MBCT Past Group Participant


"That being mindful Includes being present with and sitting with the pain, instead of shelving it aside. And that dancing with that pain living with it can be life-affirming, to acutely let yourself feel and process and accept that is where you are in the moment."

- MBCT Past Group Participant


"How to meditate. Cognitive methods to feel better."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

"I learned that long-format meditation (more than, say, 10 minutes) is really useful. I also learned that pre-recorded guided meditation can be just as helpful. I loved having your voice, though -- it's not as impactful if it's a stranger (eg, Headspace App)."

- MBCT Past Group Participant

Please read and complete these required forms if you have enrolled in the MBCT Online Group starting in April 2023.

You must complete the Contact Information Form and The MBCT Consent Form to participate in the group.


Read this document for more information about the group, including how to prepare and what to bring to the first session.


Provide Your Contact Information for Group Participation.


Review the MBCT Consent forms for Group Participation.

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